ICalGLib – 3.0
iCalendar protocols and protocol data units implementation
GObject—2.0 | The base type system library |
Browse documentation |
Array |
This is the ICalArray instance. since: 3.0 |
Attach |
This is the ICalAttach instance. since: 3.0 |
CompIter |
This is the ICalCompIter instance. since: 3.0 |
Component |
This is the ICalComponent instance. since: 3.0 |
Datetimeperiod |
This is the ICalDatetimeperiod instance. since: 3.0 |
Duration |
This is the ICalDuration instance. since: 3.0 |
Geo |
This is the ICalGeo instance. since: 3.0 |
Object |
This is an ICalObject instance struct. since: 3.0 |
Parameter |
This is the ICalParameter instance. since: 3.0 |
Parser |
This is the ICalParser instance. since: 3.0 |
Period |
This is the ICalPeriod instance. since: 3.0 |
Property |
This is the ICalProperty instance. since: 3.0 |
RecurIterator |
This is the ICalRecurIterator instance. since: 3.0 |
Recurrence |
This is the ICalRecurrence instance. since: 3.0 |
Reqstat |
This is the ICalReqstat instance. since: 3.0 |
Time |
This is the ICalTime instance. since: 3.0 |
TimeSpan |
This is the ICalTimeSpan instance. since: 3.0 |
Timezone |
This is the ICalTimezone instance. since: 3.0 |
Trigger |
This is the ICalTrigger instance. since: 3.0 |
Value |
This is the ICalValue instance. since: 3.0 |
_Array |
since: 3.0 |
_Attach |
since: 3.0 |
_CompIter |
since: 3.0 |
_Component |
since: 3.0 |
_Datetimeperiod |
since: 3.0 |
_Duration |
since: 3.0 |
_Geo |
since: 3.0 |
_Parameter |
since: 3.0 |
_Parser |
since: 3.0 |
_Period |
since: 3.0 |
_Property |
since: 3.0 |
_RecurIterator |
since: 3.0 |
_Recurrence |
since: 3.0 |
_Reqstat |
since: 3.0 |
_Time |
since: 3.0 |
_TimeSpan |
since: 3.0 |
_Timezone |
since: 3.0 |
_Trigger |
since: 3.0 |
_Value |
since: 3.0 |
ComponentForeachRecurrenceFunc |
since: 3.0 |
ComponentForeachTZIDFunc |
since: 3.0 |
MimeParseFunc |
since: 3.0 |
ParserLineGenFunc |
since: 3.0 |
bt |
since: 1.0 |
errno_return |
Returns the error stored in the library. If no error, return I_CAL_NO_ERROR. since: 1.0 |
error_clear_errno |
since: 1.0 |
error_crash_here |
Shout out the errors to the compiler. since: 1.0 |
error_get_error_state |
Gets the state of an error. since: 1.0 |
error_perror |
Gets the since: 1.0 |
error_restore |
Restores the error to specified state. since: 1.0 |
error_set_errno |
Sets the errno. since: 1.0 |
error_set_error_state |
Sets the state to the corresponding error in the library. since: 1.0 |
error_stop_here |
since: 1.0 |
error_strerror |
Translates the since: 1.0 |
error_supress |
Suppresses the error. since: 1.0 |
get_unknown_token_handling_setting |
Gets the setting of since: 1.0 |
memory_add_tmp_buffer |
Adds an existing buffer to the buffer ring. since: 1.0 |
memory_append_char |
Append the character to the buffer. Only use them on normally allocated memory, or on buffers created from icalmemory_new_buffer, never with buffers created by icalmemory_tmp_buffer. If icalmemory_append_string has to resize a buffer on the ring, the ring will loose track of it and you will have memory problems. since: 1.0 |
memory_append_string |
Appends the string to the buffer. Only use them on normally allocated memory, or on buffers created from icalmemory_new_buffer, never with buffers created by icalmemory_tmp_buffer. If icalmemory_append_string has to resize a buffer on the ring, the ring will loose track of it and you will have memory problems. since: 1.0 |
memory_free_buffer |
Frees the buffer. since: 1.0 |
memory_free_ring |
Frees all the memory used in the ring. since: 1.0 |
memory_new_buffer |
Creates a new buffer with target size. The caller should deallocate it when necessary. since: 1.0 |
memory_resize_buffer |
Resizes the buffer to the target size. since: 1.0 |
memory_str_to_glib |
Transform a string allocated with icalmemory into one that can be freed with g_free. since: 1.0 |
memory_strdup |
A wrapper around strdup. Partly to trap calls to strdup, partly because in -ansi, gcc on Red Hat claims that strdup is undeclared. since: 1.0 |
memory_tmp_buffer |
Creates a buffer with target size. since: 1.0 |
memory_tmp_copy |
Like strdup, but the buffer is on the ring. since: 1.0 |
mime_parse |
Parses data to since: 1.0 |
recur_expand_recurrence |
Fills an array with the ‘count’ number of occurrences generated by the rrule. Note that the times are returned in UTC, but the times are calculated in local time. YOu will have to convert the results back into local time before using them. since: 1.0 |
request_status_code |
Returns the code for a request status. since: 1.0 |
request_status_desc |
Returns the descriptive text for a request status. since: 1.0 |
request_status_from_num |
Returns a request status for major/minor status numbers. since: 1.0 |
request_status_major |
Returns the major number for a request status. since: 1.0 |
request_status_minor |
Returns the minor number for a request status. since: 1.0 |
restriction_check |
Checks whether the since: 1.0 |
restriction_compare |
Compares the kind of restriction and the count to determine whether it is valid. since: 1.0 |
set_unknown_token_handling_setting |
Sets since: 1.0 |