Libical API Documentation 3.0
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icalproperty.h File Reference

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icalproperty * icalparameter_get_parent (icalparameter *param)
void icalparameter_set_parent (icalparameter *param, icalproperty *property)
icalvalue_kind icalparameter_value_to_value_kind (icalparameter_value value)
void icalproperty_add_parameter (icalproperty *prop, icalparameter *parameter)
void icalproperty_add_parameters (struct icalproperty_impl *prop, va_list args)
const char * icalproperty_as_ical_string (icalproperty *prop)
char * icalproperty_as_ical_string_r (icalproperty *prop)
int icalproperty_count_parameters (const icalproperty *prop)
int icalproperty_enum_belongs_to_property (icalproperty_kind kind, int e)
const char * icalproperty_enum_to_string (int e)
char * icalproperty_enum_to_string_r (int e)
void icalproperty_free (icalproperty *prop)
icalparameter * icalproperty_get_first_parameter (icalproperty *prop, icalparameter_kind kind)
icalparameter * icalproperty_get_next_parameter (icalproperty *prop, icalparameter_kind kind)
const char * icalproperty_get_parameter_as_string (icalproperty *prop, const char *name)
char * icalproperty_get_parameter_as_string_r (icalproperty *prop, const char *name)
const char * icalproperty_get_property_name (const icalproperty *prop)
char * icalproperty_get_property_name_r (const icalproperty *prop)
icalvalue * icalproperty_get_value (const icalproperty *prop)
const char * icalproperty_get_value_as_string (const icalproperty *prop)
char * icalproperty_get_value_as_string_r (const icalproperty *prop)
const char * icalproperty_get_x_name (icalproperty *prop)
icalproperty_kind icalproperty_isa (icalproperty *property)
int icalproperty_isa_property (void *property)
int icalproperty_kind_and_string_to_enum (const int kind, const char *str)
int icalproperty_kind_is_valid (const icalproperty_kind kind)
const char * icalproperty_kind_to_string (icalproperty_kind kind)
icalvalue_kind icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind (icalproperty_kind kind)
const char * icalproperty_method_to_string (icalproperty_method method)
icalproperty * icalproperty_new (icalproperty_kind kind)
icalproperty * icalproperty_new_clone (icalproperty *prop)
icalproperty * icalproperty_new_from_string (const char *str)
icalproperty * icalproperty_new_impl (icalproperty_kind kind)
void icalproperty_normalize (icalproperty *prop)
void icalproperty_remove_parameter_by_kind (icalproperty *prop, icalparameter_kind kind)
 Removes all parameters with the specified kind.
void icalproperty_remove_parameter_by_name (icalproperty *prop, const char *name)
 Removes all parameters with the specified name.
void icalproperty_remove_parameter_by_ref (icalproperty *prop, icalparameter *param)
 Removes the specified parameter reference from the property.
void icalproperty_set_parameter (icalproperty *prop, icalparameter *parameter)
void icalproperty_set_parameter_from_string (icalproperty *prop, const char *name, const char *value)
void icalproperty_set_value (icalproperty *prop, icalvalue *value)
void icalproperty_set_value_from_string (icalproperty *prop, const char *value, const char *kind)
void icalproperty_set_x_name (icalproperty *prop, const char *name)
const char * icalproperty_status_to_string (icalproperty_status)
icalproperty_kind icalproperty_string_to_kind (const char *string)
icalproperty_method icalproperty_string_to_method (const char *str)
icalproperty_status icalproperty_string_to_status (const char *string)
icalproperty_kind icalproperty_value_kind_to_kind (icalvalue_kind kind)
icalproperty * icalvalue_get_parent (icalvalue *value)
void icalvalue_set_parent (icalvalue *value, icalproperty *property)

Function Documentation

◆ icalparameter_get_parent()

icalproperty * icalparameter_get_parent ( icalparameter * param)

Returns the parent icalproperty for the specified icalparameter.


◆ icalparameter_set_parent()

void icalparameter_set_parent ( icalparameter * param,
icalproperty * property )

Sets the parent icalproperty for the specified icalparameter.


◆ icalproperty_get_property_name()

const char * icalproperty_get_property_name ( const icalproperty * prop)

Returns the name of the property – the type name converted to a string, or the value of _get_x_name if the type is and X property

◆ icalproperty_kind_is_valid()

int icalproperty_kind_is_valid ( const icalproperty_kind kind)

Check validity of a specific icalproperty_kind

◆ icalproperty_normalize()

void icalproperty_normalize ( icalproperty * prop)

Normalizes (reorders and sorts the parameters) the specified icalproperty.


◆ icalproperty_remove_parameter_by_kind()

void icalproperty_remove_parameter_by_kind ( icalproperty * prop,
icalparameter_kind kind )

Removes all parameters with the specified kind.

propA valid icalproperty.
kindThe kind to remove (ex. ICAL_TZID_PARAMETER)

See icalproperty_remove_parameter_by_name() and icalproperty_remove_parameter_by_ref() for alternate ways of removing parameters

◆ icalproperty_remove_parameter_by_name()

void icalproperty_remove_parameter_by_name ( icalproperty * prop,
const char * name )

Removes all parameters with the specified name.

propA valid icalproperty.
nameThe name of the parameter to remove

This function removes parameters with the given name. The name corresponds to either a built-in name (TZID, etc.) or the name of an extended parameter (X-FOO)

See icalproperty_remove_parameter_by_kind() and icalproperty_remove_parameter_by_ref() for alternate ways of removing parameters

◆ icalproperty_remove_parameter_by_ref()

void icalproperty_remove_parameter_by_ref ( icalproperty * prop,
icalparameter * param )

Removes the specified parameter reference from the property.

propA valid icalproperty.
paramA reference to a specific icalparameter.

This function removes the specified parameter reference from the property.

◆ icalvalue_get_parent()

icalproperty * icalvalue_get_parent ( icalvalue * value)

Returns the parent icalproperty for the specified icalvalue.


◆ icalvalue_set_parent()

void icalvalue_set_parent ( icalvalue * value,
icalproperty * property )

Sets the parent icalproperty for the specified icalvalue.